Saturday, March 22, 2008

Olympic Sliding Track in Whistler Tested Successfully!

The Olympic Sliding Track in Whistler cost $105 million. Can you imagine that?

It was put together apparently by a majority of local contractors and it is one of only 15 in the world.
According to news sources, Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games (Vanoc), along with the athletes, are pleased as punch and impressed that the structure is ready two years before the Winter Games."

A local Whistlerite says she and her Hubby and used to watch the Emil Anderson construction guys coming back from the site, covered in concrete and just wasted. But they were always excited and really proud of themselves once the job was done.

"Hope-based Emil Anderson Construction Inc's Bill Swaine, the firm's top manager for the project, said the company was attracted by the sliding centre's uniqueness and complexity.
It was all a delicate dance, co-ordinating the work of carving out foundation footings, building the foundation, then having the steelworkers lay down the track's underlying re-bar trough structure while welders laid in 114 kilometres of refrigeration piping.
Swaine added that Emil Anderson was lucky to hire the Ontario firm Underground Services, which had recently resurfaced Lake Placid's track from the 1980 Winter Games, to spray down the track's concrete, which must have a precisely flat finish.
Demands, both on the budget and timeline, also forced contractors to innovate, according to Jim Longo, president of Ideal Welders Ltd., the sub-contractor that installed the track's refrigeration piping."

See ya at the Winter Games 2010 in Whistler!

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