Friday, May 30, 2008

Sue Adams of Whistler, Chair of MY Place Board on "Cultural Experience"

Whistler's Sue Adams is:

  • Chair of MY Millenium Place Board, [yes, the one that decided to close Teddy Bear Daycare Centre's doors],
  • Partner in the Pemberton Valley Supermarket,
  • Managing Partner of Bevendale Enterprises Inc. [Grocery Store and Delish Cafe in Whistler]
  • Chair of North Shore Credit Union,
  • Chair of the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival,
  • Vice- chair of the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Board
  • Chair of the Advisory Council for the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers
  • and now appointed to the provincial government's Small Business Roundtable

I'm stunned! Is it possible for one person to actually manage all of the above in a competent capacity simultaneously? If so, she should apply to Google - they love multi-taskers!
Seriously though Dollz, I was a little shocked to find out that this is the same person responsible, along with the other members of the MY Millenium Place Board, who decided to annilihate the Teddy Bear Daycare centre in favour of "cultural experience". What is more disconcerting, as Councillor Ralph Forsyth stated, is that the children and daycare are being evicted despite the fact that Adams and her Board do not have a PLAN for this so-called "cultural experience". Futhermore, and this is cherry on the top, Adams says that she doesn't KNOW when a decision might be made on how the space will be used.
Yet this is the most recent appointee to BC's Small Business Roundtable - doesn't that imply some form of competence? What is competent about evicting the daycare without a plan as to what or who will replace it?

Adams admits in her interview with the Whistler Question that the Millenium Place Society doesn't have money to put into reconfiguring the daycare space for arts and culture and she "recognizes" that the Whistler Municipality isn't able to pay for any changes. Then we are informed that the "sale of the building to the municipality leaves the Board up in the air". What does that mean? Has there been some kind of back-handed deal so that it's actually the Municipality that wants the Daycare evicted? I'm lost, somebody please explain so that I can understand.

In the meantime, here's a NEWSFLASH for Sue Adams, Mayor Melamed and councillors: Dave Brownlie, CEO of Whistler Blackcomb has offered to put up the funds to continue running the daycare. Here's hoping that Mr.Brownlie can talk some sense into these people - for the sake of the kids and their families and methinks that a letter to Minister Rick Thorpe, Minister of Small Business and Revenue and Minister responsible for Regulatory Reform is in order.

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