Saturday, May 10, 2008

Baby Bear Cub Shot in Whistler.

Shame, shame, shame on the ignorant fool who felt compelled to blast a baby black bear to its death with his shotgun just outside Whistler Secondary School on Thursday last week.
Well done, Ace! Did you feel almighty, strong and powerful after shooting a bear cub not larger than a poodle? What the hell were you doing with a SHOTGUN AND AMMO in your car in Whistler anyway?
We are proud of our peaceful community and we do not enjoy the thought of the likes of you travelling up to our mountain resort armed with lethal weapons. I trust that our local Mounties made that very clear.
Good on the Whistler RCMP for nailing the perpetrator just 15 minutes after the incident was called in.
Perhaps part of this perp's sentence could be an education in common sense.

Anyway, a Gold Star for Otto at Whistler Secondary for his comment on the article in The Province.
Otto, dearest, gotta love ya for your willingness to consider that this perp might have mistaken the bear for a bigger bear. Even if it was a large bear, which we Whistlerites see almost everyday during the summer season, this dude had no right to stop and kill it. This isn't some Arnie Schwarznegger movie. According to local sources, the dude was travelling in his car, stopped on the highway, got out of his vehicle and blasted away as if he was being charged by a bull elephant. RCMP officers reported on Global TV that the cub wasn't bigger than a purse doggie.

Bear cub shot dead near Whistler high school
Staff Reporter, The Province
Published: Friday, May 09, 2008
Police in Whistler are trying to determine why someone shot a young bear cub near a high school.
A 24-year-old West Vancouver man is under arrest on suspicion of cutting the infant bruin's life short around 8:30 a.m. Thursday on a trail near Whistler Senior Secondary School, just as students were arriving for class.
Whistler RCMP said a citizen who saw the cub just before it was shot thought she heard two gunshots, then saw a man getting into a vehicle with what she believed was a shot gun.
She wrote down the license number and phoned police, who pulled the suspect over and arrested him about 15 minutes later.
Inside his car they found ammunition but no gun, that latter of which they are still searching for.
The motive of the bear's killer is not known and police continue to investigate with Conservation Services. No charges have yet been laid.
© The Vancouver Province 2008

???Fri, May 9, 08 at 02:04 PMha! I am a student of WSS and it was pretty horrible for all us to be crowding around it all dead and like.... I just waisted my morning looking for the shotgun in the school forrest until I read this, thought he was some whack job on foot not in a car... I couldn't understand why he would do this, I called the animal shelter almost a week ago because the same baby bear was pretty much abandoned actually, my friends and I were feeding it apples cause we felt sorry for it. The stupid shelter did nothing and just told us not to feed it cause the mom is still "sleeping" apparantly. Anyway we all just tryed to assume that the man who shot it was scared it was a real big bear in the bushes rather than a cub, it would feel more comforting to assume that rather than a crazy phyco killer at our school! lol anyway e-mail if you have any questions

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